Extrusion International 1/2016
Zumbach Electronics has developed
process monitoring, control and data ac-
quisition systems for the past 58 years.
They are well known for their focusing on
reliable and maintenance-free systems,
the USYS processors are used worldwide
for the processing of data.
Experience shows that the USYS series is
preferred for the modular approach when
a configuration according to customer
specifications, support and actualisation is
to be simplified.
With Zumbach's concept of modular ex-
tension modules, the customer invests
only in what he really needs to match the
required measurement and control challenges, and thus reaching
quality requirements.
Different modules are available to cover any challenge and pro-
vide any solutions for applications such as sheathing and core
line extrusion with JACKETMASTER, data communication and
coax cables with CELLMASTER, WALLMASTER for wall thickness,
concentricity and OD measurement and control of any tube,
pipe, cable. Special BARMASTER software offers solutions for
centerless grinding, bar peeling as well as any other cold
steel/metal application.
Flexible, the processors with CPU’s, E/A card and process-speci-
New USYS IPCe Data Acquisition, Processing and Display Systems
fic intelligence from our extensive software library can be inte-
grated into almost every process and production line (USYS Web
server), USYS data log, USYS report manager, OPC server soft-
The economic and space saving USYS IPCe hardware comple-
ments the USYS family of processors. It offers the flexibility to
mount the processor in a convenient location while mounting
the LCD touch screen at a more appropriate location for the ope-
Top: Optional LCD touch screen;
Below: USYS IPC1e (left)
or USYS IPC 2e (right)
www.zumbach.comAMUT GROUP is a solid Italian hub
with a strong productive and financial or-
ganization consolidating a leading role in
the international scenario as manufactu-
rer of plastics packaging solutions.
Boosting a reputation on custom-made
and turnkey projects, AMUT GROUP
turns to be an unmatched supplier offe-
ring the most complete range of machi-
nery for the plastics extrusion,
thermoforming, recycling and prin-
ting/converting process.
AMUT GROUP and its companies cover
completely the plastic lifetime starting
from its recovery and then passing
through extrusion, thermoforming or
AMUT GROUP: The 360° Partner for plastics packaging