Extrusion 5/2016
www.amut.itK‘2016: Hall 3, Stand E40
Up or down stackers,
three-axis robot as well as
customized special solu-
tions are available to stack
thermoformed parts with
different nesting require-
To fulfill all thermoformers
requirements and to meet
any potential demands,
the ACF 820 can be
equipped with a wide
range of options, includ-
ing: servo driven plug as-
sist on upper and lower
mould platens, high per-
formance mould clamping and cutting
force, quick tools change devices, diffe-
rent heat ovens configuration with
power saving heaters and many others.
The forming and cutting presses are
equipped with counterbalanced platens
to increase the machine performances at
high speed. This series of machines is
completely servo driven and equipped
with a new software for cycles control
that, along with a HMI friendly use,
guides the operator through the settings
pages providing full diagnostic analysis.
The ACF machines can be integrated
During K Show, AMUT COMI – ther-
moforming division of AMUT GROUP –
will present in operation a new genera-
tion of thermoforming machines, the
ACF series. The ACF 820 machine com-
bines the characteristics of V and F se-
ries, thus creating an innovative model
• high level of standardization,
• exceptional repeatability,
• rugged durability,
• flexible production for a wide range of
• increased high-speed performances.
This range of machines is suitable to
handle different materials, such as PET,
PLA, PVC and to produce many items:
trays, lids, fruits and vegetables boxes,
flowerpots, clamshells, nursery trays and
The ACF series has a modular concept
and can be supplied in different configu-
rations such as:
• forming;
• forming and cutting in the same
• forming and cutting in two stations;
• forming, punching and cutting in
three stations.
New ACF 820 Series of Steel Rule Cutting Machines
with a T-IML system (In-Mould Labelling
for the thermoforming sector), based on
a side entry robot to load labels inside
the forming mould in order to decorate
the articles.
The use of steel rule cutting moulds
makes this T-IML even more competitive
compared to the existing TIML systems
based on punch and die mould and to
injection molding technology.
SKZ Würzburg
www.skz.deK 2016: Halle 10, Stand H15
Die K-Messe in Düsseldorf als die welt-
weit wichtigste Messe für die Kunststoff-
branche, stellt die Weichen für die tech-
nologischen Branchentrends der nächs-
ten drei Jahre. Auch für das SKZ ist die
Experten und Exponate
K 2016 eine Veranstaltung von besonde-
rer Bedeutung. In diesem Jahr präsentiert
sich das SKZ mit einem nagelneuen
zweistöckigen Messestand. Er bietet viel
Platz für Gespräche mit den SKZ Exper-
ten – auf Wunsch auch ganz individuell.
Zusätzliches Highlight in diesem Jahr: Für
die einzelnen Messetage wurden ganz
bestimmte Schwerpunktthemen festge-
legt. An diesen Tagen dreht sich alles um
ein spezielles Thema mit Experten und
Exponaten direkt auf dem SKZ-Messe-
stand. Die Schwerpunktthemen sind:
19. Oktober:
• SKZ-Qualitätszeichen
20. Oktober:
• Aus und Weiterbildung
21. Oktober:
• Managementzertifizierung
24. Oktober:
• Das Netzwerk
25. Oktober:
• Forschung und Entwicklung
26. Oktober:
• Consulting