Extrusion 7/2016
aus 3M Dyneon ETFE extrudiert. Die NO-
ET 6235Z Folien gibt es in
Stärken zwischen 80 bis 400 Mikrome-
ter. Nowofol produziert die Folien trans-
parent, in nahezu allen RAL-Farbtönen
und seit kurzem auch als Infrarotstrahlen
absorbierende Ausführung. Die Folien er-
füllen die Brandklasse B1 (nach DIN
4102), nicht nur in den USA ein wichti-
ges Kriterium.
Ein besonderes Augenmerk legten die
Architekten und Dachplaner auf die
Tragfähigkeit hoher Schneelasten, denn
das Dach des nur halb so großen Vorgän-
gergebäudes, Metrodome, war im De-
zember 2010 unter einer mehr als 50 cm
dicken Schneeschicht zusammengebro-
chen. ETFE Folien bieten sehr gute Werte
bei der Reiß-, Weiterreiß- und Durch-
stoßfestigkeit. Ihr Einsatz in Nordeuropa
und den Alpen belegt die Wintertaug-
lichkeit auch bei hohen Schneemengen.
Die pneumatisch unterstützten Kissen fe-
dern stoßartige Lasten ab.
Das asymmetrische Dach ist nach Norden
stärker geneigt, um den Schnee abzulei-
ten. Die Folien sind aufgrund ihrer anti-
adhäsiven Oberfläche so glatt, dass
Schnee kaum Halt findet und nahezu
kontrolliert abrutschen kann. Für ihre
Reinigung reicht weitestgehend ein kräf-
tiger Regenschauer.
3M Deutschland GmbH
utside temperatures of minus 30 de-
grees are usual during the American
Football season from September to the
beginning of February. Therefore, only
closed stadiums are the only choice in
the north of the USA. In order to create a
genuine open-air atmosphere at least in
summer, architects have often made use
of movable, but expensive roofs in the
past. The ETFE film cushion technology,
which is already widespread in Europe
and Asia, was used for the first time in
the US by the HKS Architects for the
construction of the new multi-purpose
stadium in Minneapolis, thus lowering
the construction costs by around USD
100 million as compared to a retractable
Round about 75 three-layer ETFE film
cushions cover the total roof and facade
area of 22,000 square metres. The U.S.
Bank Stadium is thus the largest ETFE
film project in the US. Some of the indivi-
dually air filled cushions are more than
110 m long and around 3 m wide. The
top film is printed with a geometric pat-
tern, which scatters the sunlight and pre-
vents a greenhouse effect in summer. In
winter, the film roof protects the interior
from the cold outside temperatures.
The film cushions manufactured from
3M Dyneon ETFE allow 95 percent of the
daylight to pass through, but their
weight is only about five percent that of
glass. As a result, the supporting steel
structure can be particularly light and
slender and offers all spectators an opti-
mum view of the playing field.
The entrance consists of five giant glass
doors, which are over 30 m in height and
remain open in summer. Vector Foiltec
built the film construction that joins onto
them. With 14 offices worldwide, Vector
Foiltec covers the entire spectrum from
the conception to the support structure
planning and from the manufacturing of
the cushions to their installation. The
films are extruded from 3M Dyneon ETFE
by Nowofol Kunststoffprodukte GmbH &
ET 6235Z films
are available in thicknesses from 80 to
400 microns. Nowofol produces the
films in a wide range of RAL colours as
well as in transparent and, completely
new, in an infrared absorbing variant.
The films conform to fire protection class
B1 (according to DIN 4102), which is an
important criterion – not just in the USA.
The architects and the roof planners paid
particular attention to the load bearing
capability under high snow loads, be-
cause the roof of the Metrodome, the
predecessor building that was only half
as large, collapsed in December 2010
under the heavy load of more than half a
meter of snow. ETFE films feature very
good values for tear strength, resistance
to tear propagation and puncture resis-
tance which let the air filed cushions ea-
sily cope with highly concentrated im-
pact loads like hail. Their use in northern
Europe and the Alps proves their winter
compatibility, even in areas with heavy
The asymmetric roof is inclined more to-
wards the north in order to fend the
snow off. Due to their anti-adhesive sur-
face, the films are so smooth that snow
can hardly get a grip at all and slides
off – in an almost controlled manner. A
heavy rain shower is enough to clean it.
Das US Bank Stadium verfügt über eine transparente Dachkonstruktion mit
Hochleistungsfolien extrudiert aus 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic ETFE
The US Bank stadium is featuring a transparent roof construction with high-
performance films extruded from 3M Dyneon Fluoroplastic ETFE
(Copyright Minnesota Vikings)
Hall 5,
Stand B10