ProTec Polymer Processing:
efficient materials
handling of LFT compounds
ith the high-performance, energy-efficient plant and sy-
stems for pre-processing flowable plastics presented at
K 2016, ProTec Polymer Processing now covers the entire pro-
cess chain from conveying and drying to metering and mixing
for injection moulding or for extrusion. A second focus of Pro-
Tec's presence is its abilities as a one-stop shop supplier of
long-fibre-reinforced thermoplastics (LFT) lines covering the
full gamut from planning via construction to commissioning.
New developments presented for the first time at K 2016 in-
clude the SOMOS
Batchmix XL batch metering unit for
throughputs of up to 1,920 kg/h and the stationary SOMOS
RDT-200 dry air dryer for moderate throughputs.
Batchmix XL metering and mixing system is suit-
able for feeding multicomponent mixtures to both injection
moulding machines and extruders and is designed to handle
up to six flowable components. It can be equipped with
suction conveyors for automatically filling material
storage hoppers. A SOMOS
control/professional touchscreen
controller with a graphical user interface ensures user-friendly
operation and is also capable of simultaneously controlling ex-
truder throughput. The Batchmix M for throughputs of up to
240 kg/h and the Batchmix L for throughputs of up to 1,100
kg/h of a homogeneous multicomponent mixture complete
this range of gravimetric batch dispensing systems. The new
Batchmix unit offers high metering accuracy at an
attractive price/performance ratio.
The new SOMOS
RDT-200 stationary dry air dryer has an ef-
fective dry air throughput of 140 to 300 m³/h, enabling highly
economical processing of material volumes in excess of the
throughput capacity of the SOMOS
RDM mobile auxiliary dry-
ers (dry air throughput of at most 140 m³/h). The dry air ge-
nerator and the drying vessel are also of a new design. The
drying vessels, which are square on the outside and cylindrical
on the inside, can be fitted together to form a compact mo-
dular drying system comprising up to at most six vessels in gra-
duated sizes with effective hopper volumes ranging from 50 l
to 300 l. Another new feature is the SOMOS
control excel-
lence dryer controller with its user-friendly touchscreen ope-
ration which offers numerous drying parameters tailored to
the specific material as well as versatile documentation functi-
ons. To minimise energy consumption, the dryer is equipped
with the tried and trusted energy-saving technology known
from SOMOS
dryers: automatic adaptation of drying air vo-
lume to material throughput (ALAV) and the SUPER SOMOS
control mechanism which adapts desiccant regeneration to
the particular moisture loading of the adsorbent. Drying tem-
peratures of 40 °C to 180 °C at a drying air dew point tem-
perature of approx. -35 °C are standard.
The new SOMOS
Batchmix XL gravimetric batch metering unit is
designed for a maximum of six components and throughputs of up
to 1,920 kg/h
The new SOMOS
RDT-200 stationary dry air dryer with its new
design can provide a variable dry air throughput of
140 to 300 m³/h for economically processing
moderate material throughputs
Extrusion International 5/2016