Extrusion 1/2016
Und genau hier setzt EREMA an: Das
neue UpCentre
bietet Kunden von
EREMA die Nutzung der COREMA
nologie an, um schnell und flexibel Be-
musterungsmengen im Tonnenmaßstab
produzieren zu können – und zwar ohne
eine eigene Anlage kaufen zu müssen.
Zusätzlich profitieren die Kunden vom
Recycling-Know-how von EREMA und
Compounding-Know-how von Coperi-
on, den zwei Weltmarktführern in ihren
Das neue UpCentre
ist mit einer
1108 T ausgestattet, die mo-
natlich Mengen von zwei bis 200 Tonnen
technology instead of
To enable recyclates to be used 1:1 as a
substitute for virgin material they have to
have exactly specified, customised pro-
perty profiles. Processors are interested
above all in the recycled pellets allowing
trouble-free further processing and the
assurance of the functional characteri-
stics of the end products produced from
technology, which customers
will be able to use in the new EREMA
, offers precisely this upgrade
of recyclates, right up to customised re-
cycling compounds. "On the way to
these 'made-to-measure' products you
need a lot of fine tuning in practice: pro-
cessors demand varying quantities of
samples – as often and as long as neces-
sary until the recycling compound meets
the exact requirements of their concrete
application, such as film/sheet or injec-
tion moulding part," explains Obermayr.
And this is the point where EREMA
Robert Obermayr,
Product Mmanager
comes in: the new UpCentre
technology available for use
by EREMA customers so they are able to
produce sample quantities quickly and
flexibly also by the tonne and without
having to buy a system of their own.
Customers will additionally benefit from
EREMA's recycling know-how and Cope-
rion's compounding know-how – the
two global market leaders in their fields.
The new UpCentre
features a
1108 T which will compound
quantities from two to 200 tonnes on a
monthly basis.
EREMA Engineering Recycling
Maschinen und Anlagen Ges.m.b.H.
Unterfeldstr. 3, 4052 Ansfelden, Austria
www.erema.atDie Eröffnung des neuen EREMA UpCentre
am 20. November 2015 in Gunskirchen
(nahe der Firmenzentrale in Ansfelden, Österreich) weckte das Interesse von
Vertretern der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette der internationalen Kunststoff-
branche. Robert Obermayr, COREMA
Product Manager erläuterte den Upcycling
Service vom neuen UpCentre
: „Auf dem Weg von Rezyklaten hin zu maßge-
schneiderten Recycling-Compounds bedarf es in der Praxis viel an Feinabstim-
mung: Verarbeiter verlangen Bemusterungen in unterschiedlich großen Mengen –
und zwar so oft und so lange, bis das Recycling-Compound exakt den Anforderun-
gen ihrer konkreten Anwendung, wie etwa Folie oder Spritzgussteil entspricht.“
Kunden können das UpCentre
nun dafür nutzen, um schnell und flexibel
Bemusterungsmengen im Tonnenmaßstab zu produzieren. Zusätzlich profitieren
sie vom verfahrenstechnischen Know-how von EREMA und Coperion, den zwei
Weltmarktführern in ihren Bereichen. Das UpCentre
ist mit einer COREMA
T für eine maximale Monatsproduktion von 500 Tonnen ausgestattet.
The opening of the new EREMA UpCentre
on Friday 20 November 2015 in Guns-
kirchen (not far from the comapny's headquarters in Ansfelden, Austria) genera-
ted interest throughout the value chain of the entire international plastics indus-
try. Robert Obermayr, COREMA
Product Manager, explains: "On the way from
recyclates to made-to-measure recycling compounds you need a lot of fine tuning
in practice: processors demand varying quantities of samples – as often and as
long as necessary until the recycling compound meets the exact requirements of
their concrete application, such as film or injection moulding parts." Customers
can now take advantage of the UpCentre
to produce sample amounts in tonnes
quickly and flexibly. They benefit additionally from the process engineering
know-how of EREMA and Coperion – two global market leaders in their fields.
The UpCentre
features a COREMA
1108 T for a maximum monthly production
of 500 tonnes.